Joined Member

If you are an organisation interested in IHSI’s work or if you would like to apply for full or partial access to IHSI resources or the Joint Horizon Scanning Database, you can apply to be a Joined Member.

As a Joined Member, your access to the IHSI database, tools and resources will be determined by member states in the Executive Committee, and will depend on your request and the type of organisation you represent.

Terms and conditions

Joined Members have more limited rights and obligations than Full Members. They will also be required to pay a membership fee, which can be freely determined by the Board of Directors. This membership fee will, however, will not be used to cover the costs of the agreement with the database supplier, but rather to cover the operational costs of IHSI and to build up reserves.

The Joined Members are granted full or partial access to the database, depending on the decision of the Board of Directors in this respect, at the occasion of pursuant to the admission decision. For Joined Members, their access rights to the database are, as per Full Members, linked to due and correct payment of their membership fees.

If you are interested in becoming a Joined Member of the International Horizon Scanning Initiative, please complete the online contact form available here.
